
God Nudges Blog Post 6-5-24

Greetings Everyone:

I am still thinking about all the good things that happened at Annual Conference and the wonderful worship as I write this blog.  And yes, getting my energy back…slow but surely.  How about you?  I said I would blog every other month and began thinking this was going to be late.  But hey, I still have the rest of June.  I am right on time. 

I had intended to blog about another “God Nudge” that happened in my life for this installment but I became distracted by a violet.  It will happen another time.

You see, I get so many “God Nudges” from nature.  They are there.  All around us.  Everyday.  But we go right on by without a second look.  I believe in caring for body, mind, spirit, and relationships.  One way I do this is going for walks.  I usually walk twice a day to achieve 10,000 steps a day.  I am not always successful for one reason or another (like meetings or quilting).

A few weeks ago, on a walk around the neighborhood I noticed a little green leaf in the sidewalk.  I walked on by without giving it much thought.  But on subsequent walks the green leaf got bigger.  Strange it was still in the same spot and had not blown away.  Last week there was a bud.  This week it fully caught my attention…a beautiful violet growing in the middle of a crack in the sidewalk.  “God Nudge”.… such perseverance, such strength in this little violet.  How did it continue to grow?  It must have gotten stepped on?  How did that little seed fall into just the right spot in the middle of the sidewalk?  Did it get trampled on?  By me?  I hope not…if I did, I am sorry.  Yet it popped right back up in all its beauty.  I wonder.   If this little violet can grow in the middle of a sidewalk, get walked on.  I can too.  Well, maybe not in the middle of a sidewalk.  But I will continue to be aware of ways I can serve God with the gifts and talents I have been given by God.  I will carry on…no matter how old I am/feel.  Even on those days that I am tired, or feeling like I have been trampled on.  I will persevere like this little violet.  I will grow in my faith.   Oh, one more thing about this pretty little violet.  It was in the middle of two cracks in the shape of a cross.

Friends, look around you, be aware of nature, listen to the birds, feel the sunshine on your face.  Be Blessed.  See and hear the “God Nudges.” They are there all the time…even in the middle of a sidewalk.

Blessings, Wendy

Western Waters District