
God Nudges Blog Post

It has been suggested I write a blog for the WW District Lay Leader web page.  My reaction was, “what do I have to say that would be meaningful to others?”  After some thought, the same theme kept recurring.  I call it “God Nudges”.  From time to time, I will share my “God Nudges” (in no particular order) and personal reflections on how these nudges have impacted my spiritual journey.  It is my hope that sharing these stories, will encourage others to be more aware of the “God Nudges” in their lives because they are there, all the time, and the key is to respond. 

The hard part is deciding where to begin.  How about Good Friday 1989?  The date is forever etched in my mind and carved in my heart.  Our best friend’s little girl had been ill for a few days.  She quickly got worse and our friends decided they needed to get her to the ER.  But while doing that she collapsed.  9-1-1 was called.  She died.  She had celebrated her 13th birthday a week earlier.  What does Good Friday have to do with it…she died on Good Friday, March 24, 1989. 

For weeks I asked myself what can I do in her memory.  More than flowers, more than a donation.  You see, I wanted/needed to DO something.  Something that required my time.  I thought of a few things…like volunteering in a library (she loved to read) but never acted on any of things that popped into my head.  I hadn’t talked with anyone about this.

One night I woke up with a start and heard the words, “go to camp”.  I looked at my husband…he was sound asleep.  I looked around the room…no one was there (thank goodness).  Was it God?  OK…I will go to camp.  For about five years I had been asked by my pastor, Rev. Bill Johnson, to be one of the camp nurses at Christian Athletic Camp (CAC) where he was one of the Leaders.  It was one of our Conference Camps.  I always found an excuse to say, no I can’t.  The truth is, it was out of my comfort zone.  Well, the next morning was Sunday.  The first person I saw was my pastor.  I asked him if he needed a camp nurse this year.  “YES.  We do.”  OK, I am in.  I will be a camp nurse.  I hadn’t even told my husband yet or our children.  When I told my family they thought I was crazy…me going to an athletic camp.  You see my family are all athletes and love sports…I don’t have an athletic bone in my body, let alone muscle. 

I volunteered at CAC for 28 years.  I went in memory of my young friend. I think she would have gone to CAC.  I saw her in the faces of so many of the campers.  Serving at CAC had a profound effect on my spiritual journey.  I grew in my relationship with God…I learned to trust God and not be so afraid to step out of my comfort zone.  I learned He will hold me up.  You see, a church camp not only touches the lives of the campers but also the staff.  I will be forever thankful I heard that God Nudge in the middle of the night…and responded. 

Listen for the God Nudges in your life…they are there…trust…step out of your comfort zone.  Good things always happen.  Volunteer to serve at one of our Conference Camps.  It will be life changing for you and the campers.              

Blessings, Wendy

Visit Wendy’s Lay Leader page HERE

Western Waters District