District News

Western Waters District Lay Servant Ministries Present the Spring Retreat at Cadillac UMC


  • Basic Course – Sara Wolfsen, Instructor
  • Advanced Course: Polity – Pastor Jeff Swainston, Jody Pratt, Instructors
  • Advanced Course: Soul Reset – Pastor Julie Lawhead, Instructor

Friday, April 25, 4:30pm registration
Saturday, April 26, 4:30pm send-off

Cost: $30 includes 2 meals and snacks

Click HERE for the detailed flyer with course descriptions, a schedule with printable registration form.

Registration deadline is April 12.

Online registration is HERE

God Nudges Blog Post 2-5-25

I am not sure when it started, that is my love of nature.  I love sunrises and sunsets, the beauty of lakes and oceans, trees, mountains, clouds and dogs.  Today, I am thinking about clouds.  I was that kid who would lie on the grass, arms folded behind my head and look up at the sky watching the clouds float by, picking out shapes and watching the ever-changing sky.  I still do…well not stretched out on the grass anymore cause not so sure I could get up.  By now you are asking what does this have to do with God Nudges…

I feel, God Nudges can be encouraging you to serve in a new way, an answer to prayer, reassurance/comfort.  In one of the blogs, I spoke of working as a Parish Nurse (Faith Community Nurse).  I was on staff at Grand Rapids Aldersgate, Grand Rapids First and Wyoming Park.  One of my favorite parts of the job was assisting in pastoral care.  One Sunday morning, the pastor came up to me just before worship and told me he was just notified that one of beloved members was in his last hours here on earth and asked me to go to his bedside now.  Of course I would.  Getting into my car, I suddenly became a bit nervous…I had never been in this role before.  Oh, I had been with dying patients before from infants to the elderly but for some reason this seemed different.  I couldn’t explain it.  It was a very dark morning outside.  The sky was black with a storm brewing, ready to open up from the skies any moment.  I prayed I would get there in time and my words would offer comfort.  And suddenly there it was before be as I drove down the highway.  It was like someone took a saw and cut a big square hole in the black sky… behind the black sky was a beautiful blue sky with sunbeams pouring out from the square hole.  I took a deep breath, felt my nerves leave and deep sense of calm fill me.  In our darkness there is Light…look up to the Light.

Recently, I was going for a walk, something I do twice a day in an effort to get 10,000 steps per day.  You know…caring for body, mind and spirit.  On these walks, I don’t listen to music.  I don’t walk with my head down (unless it is icy).  I look around me – looking at the clouds, praying for the people in the homes I pass, listening to the birds sing, and feel the sunshine on my face.  Sometimes I go prayer walking…I pray to God when I leave home, when I am walking away from home and on my return, I shut up and listen.  After all, how can you hear His answer if you are always talking.  It was one of those days.

I was prayer walking with my four-legged friend, Tucker.  Almost every day on one of the walks, I stop at my friend’s home and get their dog Tucker and we go for a walk together.  Tucker and I love our walks.  I was feeling a little down.  A friend had died, another friend’s husband had died and I upset by what was happening in our nation and concerned about how this would affect our grandchildren’s lives.  I was deep in prayer, looking down (it was icy) as I walked.  I felt a little tug on the leash and realized Tucker had stopped and was looking up the street.  I looked to see what was happening…and there it was (see picture included).  A beautiful sky…once again filled with dark clouds and this time a streak of blue sky…Light in the darkness.  My heart smiled at the sight.  I thanked God.  I thanked Tucker for stopping causing me to see what was before me…my God Nudge of the day.  Tucker got an extra scratch behind his ears.  We both felt better.

Friends our God Nudges come in all different ways, in big and little ways, from people, nature and from dogs.  Look up and see the Light.

Blessings, Wendy

God Nudges Blog Post 12-9-24

If you forgot or haven’t read the last “God Nudges” blog, I wrote about resigning from a job I loved and the people I worked with.  I decided I wanted to experience other areas of nursing.  I had worked in pediatrics for 30 years.  My next job found me working for the other end on the age spectrum of life.  I worked for an agency that provided meals for seniors in the community doing home nursing assessments and making wellness checks on a regular basis.  Little did I know that this would prepare me for my next job.  I learned so much about my county and the services that were available that proved to be so helpful as I responded to another God Nudge.

I think it was in 1991 or 1992 that my pastor, Rev. Bill Johnson, handed me an article and suggested I read it.  Then said, “I think you should do this.” I will never forget it.  I took the article home and read it.  “Wow, this is awesome,” I thought, “for someone else…I wouldn’t know where to begin.”  Doing a little research, I discovered there was a place to go for training to be a Parish Nurse – today it is called Faith Community Nurse.  I learned there was a symposium in Chicago coming up where I could learn more and talk with nurses who were involved with this ministry.  Unbeknownst to me, a woman in my church started a secret fundraiser by making necklaces and selling them to raise money to send me to this symposium. I still have my necklace made by Shirley Myers.  Another nurse went with me so we could gather as much information as we could by attending all the workshops.  I was convinced we needed to begin this special ministry in our church.  But hesitant that I was not the one because I didn’t consider myself a leader.  I preferred working behind the scenes and not leadership.  We talked.  We prayed.  I listened to the nudge.

Long story short, I completed the training and became a Parish Nurse.  I was a pioneer in West Michigan as there were only a few of us in those early years, overcoming many obstacles.  I had the honor of being on staff at Grand Rapids Aldersgate, Grand Rapids First and Wyoming Park UMCs. It was by far my most favorite job.  I am thankful these churches embraced this ministry.  A Parish Nurse assists the pastor in providing pastoral care, helping people understand wholistic health – caring for the whole person – body, mind, spirit; I added relationships (relationship with others and with God), and leading study groups and so much more.  Listening to this “nudge” had a huge impact on my spiritual journey and understanding that a “calling” to serve God comes in many ways and that there are lots of ways to serve.

I share all of this to say God Nudges come in lots of ways.  This one came from another person.  Sometimes people see gifts and talents in another person that we do not see in ourselves and supports, encourages and prays for them and with them.  Is there someone you can help God nudge through your support, encouragement and prayer in helping them to recognize their special gifts/talents to serve our God?  Or have you been nudged already?  Listen to the God Nudges…they are there for us to respond.

2024 Fall Church Conference Hub + SPRC Meeting Schedule

The 2024 Fall Church Conference Hub schedule and the SPRC Zoom Meeting schedule are complete!

  • Please email your completed SPRC forms to Liz, 1 week before your scheduled Zoom meeting with DS Jodie.
  • Please email your completed Church Conference forms to Liz, 1 week before your scheduled Hub.

Click HERE to view the Church Conference Hub schedule

Click HERE to view the SPRC Zoom Meeting schedule

Click HERE to view the Church Conference Forms Checklist to keep track 

All 2024 Church Conference Forms are HERE

Leap of Faith Movie Screenings in Grand Rapids

You are cordially invited to one of six LEAP OF FAITH movie screenings, featuring an onstage discussion with Grand Rapids-based pastors who participated in the year-long project.

LEAP OF FAITH features twelve diverse pastors from Grand Rapids, Michigan – including yours! – who explore how to belong to one another in an era of polarization. These screenings are invitation-only events where you will be among the first in Grand Rapids to see this movie that takes place in our city. By attending one of these events, you will hear directly from some of the documentary participants about the experience.

Event details:

Please click on the screening you would like to attend and register for tickets on the associated Eventbrite link.

Space for this premiere is limited, and we expect it will fill quickly. You have been given two (2) complimentary tickets to this event. Please RSVP as soon as possible so that your ticket will be reserved.

What is the LEAP OF FAITH movie?

LEAP OF FAITH features twelve Grand Rapids Christian pastors and clergy as they struggle with some of today’s most contentious questions. Brought together by The Colossian Forum, these pastors find fellowship through a series of retreats. They embark on an inspiring exploration of the question: “Can we disagree and still belong to each other in a divided world?”

Who is invited to these movie screenings?

The Colossian Forum is thrilled to offer these screenings to the eleven congregations of the participating pastors–to express our deep gratitude for sharing your pastor with us–and to friends of TCF! You will be joined by some of the pastors featured in the movie.

LEAP OF FAITH will open in theaters in Grand Rapids and around the country beginning Friday, October 4, 2024. For public showtimes throughout opening weekend, we invite you to check listings in local theaters. 

God Nudges Blog Post 10-1-24

In my intro a year ago, I shared that I am a retired Registered Nurse.  I have been thankful for becoming an RN many times since graduation in 1967.  I have loved every job and the knowledge was so helpful in caring for family through the years including raising our three children and helping out with our four grandchildren.

I started out rotating between Pediatrics ICU and Pediatrics Isolation (for infectious diseases) back in the day.  I don’t remember how long I was there, maybe three years when a pediatrician asked me to be his office nurse.  That sounded good because it meant not having to work nights, weekends and holidays.  So, I said yes.  I worked there for many years, taking time off between the birth of our children but always going back.  The doctor was great to work for and with, and a wonderful receptionist; we were like family.  But…there is always that word, right?  However, I began to think I wanted to experience other nursing positions before my career came to an end.  My mom was a nurse and I remember her different positions and after all, this career choice offers many opportunities.

I prayed about it often, should I leave, how do I leave this wonderful job and people I work with, why should I?  The thought of a different job was always in the back of mind.  But I never did anything about it.  I was sure I was driving God nuts with the same prayer – it must have gone on for five years. 

Then the hymn, “Trust and Obey,” popped into my head one day.  We hadn’t sung it in church in forever.  It kept playing over and over in my head at the oddest times.  Why??  Now it was my turn to be driven nuts.  😊  I don’t remember how long this went on.  But I do remember one night praying about it once again, and telling God you are going to have to hit me in the head with a 2 x 4, because I don’t know what to do.

The next morning, I was driving to work and there it was.  God not only hit me with a 2 x 4 but He used a billboard.  On the side of the highway was a huge billboard that said, “Trust in the Lord for new beginnings.” I will never forget it.  Oh my gosh…how long has that been there?  I thought of the hymn and the billboard on the rest of the way to work.  By the time I got to the office I knew what I had to do. 

After the doctor arrived, I gave him time to get his jacket off and then went into his office and gave him my resignation.  I had no idea what was next.  But what a relief to have made the decision with a little nudge from God.  I went home that night and shared the news with my husband.  You can imagine his surprise.  It wasn’t long before I found my next job which was a stepping stone for what came after that…. another God Nudge.

God Nudges are there all the time…sometimes it just takes a while to put all the pieces together.  God doesn’t give up on us, ever.  Sometimes it takes a billboard for us to get it.  Sometimes we have to go far enough forward to look back and see those special God Nudges in our lives.  I bet if you take sometime to look back you will see the God Nudges in your life.

Faith on the Fly

Through a donation from the Western Waters District Mission Team, the Faith on the Fly Program located at Grand Rapids Trinity UMC, created new opportunities for intergenerational participants to explore fly fishing while learning to connect with nature and appreciate the beauty around us. A piloted “Introduction to Fly Fishing” program to a few children connected through the community and church along with their families, took part in the first program. This intergenerational ministry experience — Faith on the Fly — was a huge success, everyone had a great time! The children were also gifted a beginner fly rod set to take home and continue to learn over the summer. Seeing the smiles on the children’s faces was priceless and the family involvement in the program was awesome.

Another wonderful experience happened with three pastors on a guided fishing trip for smallmouth bass on the Grand River. This group of pastors affectionately called the “Holy Roll’casters” met together once a month through the new year and worked on casting in our church gym and parking lots to practice until they had a few on-the-water experiences. They did this not only to learn the sacred art of fly fishing but for fellowship, community and to be rejuvenated through this new experience! All of the pastors caught fish and had a great experience on the water. “This was a great group to work with and I loved the excitement when one caught a fish and the support for each other was outstanding. We were all pumped when anyone of us found success and that was refreshing to experience,” said Faith on the Fly Director, Matt Witkowski.

Faith on the Fly is part of the Community Ministries Program at Trinity UMC and is a project listed as an EngageMI Ministry (CCMM #3006) which can receive support from churches around the conference. If you have questions or would like to support the Community Ministries Program and Faith on the Fly Ministry, please contact Matt Witkowski at [email protected] to learn more.


God Nudges Blog Post 8-5-24

It has been suggested I share my story about the “Rainbow Cross Quilts” that I have been making.  It is a pretty simple story beginning in 2016.  I saw a pattern for a Rainbow Cross (my name for it) and thought that looks like it would be fun to make.  At about the same time my church was becoming a Reconciling Church.  So, I decided to send for the instructions and make it for the sanctuary.  I posted pictures on Facebook and a few family members and friends wanted one.  I just asked to be reimbursed for the cost of fabric I had to purchase and shipping cost.  So, I made a few more – 18 between 2016 and 2019.  Turns out I did not like the original design and bit by bit made little changes here and there with each quilt and like most quilters I have a stash of fabric to draw from and happy to put it to good use.

Then came GC2019.  What could I do to make a difference?  What could little old me do?  I’m generally a quiet person but always hope my actions speak louder than my words.  You guessed it – this was followed by a big “GOD NUDGE”.  “Wendy, make your rainbow crosses and give them away at no cost.”  OK…let’s do it.  So, I posted on Michigan Uniting Facebook page and my own Facebook page.  By then I had come up with two new designs and two sizes.  The requests started coming.  No two are alike, each one is unique.  Even though there may be more than one person asking for a purple and gold cross, different fabric is used.  Each person gets to pick out the two colors they want for the cross and what pattern they want for the rainbow.  I love hearing the reason for the colors – college colors, favorite colors, it represents something special in their lives, a symbol for a health concern are some examples. 

There was a time the quilted wall hangings were in Iowa to Massachusetts and Michigan to Florida, in homes, churches and offices.  It has become my little ministry.  I love making them, quilting is a spiritual thing for me.  I can sit at my sewing machine and let go of everything on my mind, my to-do list and have great conversations with God.  I pray for the person receiving the quilt each time I sit down at my sewing machine, each time I cut out the pieces and put them together on my design wall.  I read somewhere (I think on a t-shirt), “every thread is a prayer – every stitch is a heartbeat.” 

A long time ago, someone asked me if I had a goal of 100.  I laughed.  I couldn’t imagine making that many.  As I write this, I am beginning #118. I will continue to make them as long as they bring joy to others and to me in making them.  I think about how fun it would be to line them all up in one room and see the connection.  Because a fabric from one cross is in the next rainbow pattern and other fabrics can be traced from one quilt to the next.  I love the symbolism of being connected.  Some of the people that I have made one for are my family, some best friends, others are acquaintances, and so many people I have never met.  It makes me smile to see them pop up in someone’s FB post or get a message from someone that they saw the quilt hanging in a friend’s house, church or office and they would like one.  My answer is always yes, because of that “God Nudge” in 2019.  About the time my fabric stash was getting low for this little ministry, several people donated fabric from their stash – their “God Nudge” — making it possible to continue making the rainbow cross quilts for free.

Friends, we don’t always need words but we do need to act, we do need to watch and listen for the “God Nudges” in our lives.  They are there every day.  In closing, I am reminded of my favorite quote from Mother Teresa, “We can do no great things – only small things with great love.”


God Nudges Blog Post

It has been suggested I write a blog for the WW District Lay Leader web page.  My reaction was, “what do I have to say that would be meaningful to others?”  After some thought, the same theme kept recurring.  I call it “God Nudges”.  From time to time, I will share my “God Nudges” (in no particular order) and personal reflections on how these nudges have impacted my spiritual journey.  It is my hope that sharing these stories, will encourage others to be more aware of the “God Nudges” in their lives because they are there, all the time, and the key is to respond. 

The hard part is deciding where to begin.  How about Good Friday 1989?  The date is forever etched in my mind and carved in my heart.  Our best friend’s little girl had been ill for a few days.  She quickly got worse and our friends decided they needed to get her to the ER.  But while doing that she collapsed.  9-1-1 was called.  She died.  She had celebrated her 13th birthday a week earlier.  What does Good Friday have to do with it…she died on Good Friday, March 24, 1989. 

For weeks I asked myself what can I do in her memory.  More than flowers, more than a donation.  You see, I wanted/needed to DO something.  Something that required my time.  I thought of a few things…like volunteering in a library (she loved to read) but never acted on any of things that popped into my head.  I hadn’t talked with anyone about this.

One night I woke up with a start and heard the words, “go to camp”.  I looked at my husband…he was sound asleep.  I looked around the room…no one was there (thank goodness).  Was it God?  OK…I will go to camp.  For about five years I had been asked by my pastor, Rev. Bill Johnson, to be one of the camp nurses at Christian Athletic Camp (CAC) where he was one of the Leaders.  It was one of our Conference Camps.  I always found an excuse to say, no I can’t.  The truth is, it was out of my comfort zone.  Well, the next morning was Sunday.  The first person I saw was my pastor.  I asked him if he needed a camp nurse this year.  “YES.  We do.”  OK, I am in.  I will be a camp nurse.  I hadn’t even told my husband yet or our children.  When I told my family they thought I was crazy…me going to an athletic camp.  You see my family are all athletes and love sports…I don’t have an athletic bone in my body, let alone muscle. 

I volunteered at CAC for 28 years.  I went in memory of my young friend. I think she would have gone to CAC.  I saw her in the faces of so many of the campers.  Serving at CAC had a profound effect on my spiritual journey.  I grew in my relationship with God…I learned to trust God and not be so afraid to step out of my comfort zone.  I learned He will hold me up.  You see, a church camp not only touches the lives of the campers but also the staff.  I will be forever thankful I heard that God Nudge in the middle of the night…and responded. 

Listen for the God Nudges in your life…they are there…trust…step out of your comfort zone.  Good things always happen.  Volunteer to serve at one of our Conference Camps.  It will be life changing for you and the campers.              

Blessings, Wendy

Visit Wendy’s Lay Leader page HERE

God Nudges Blog Post 6-5-24

Greetings Everyone:

I am still thinking about all the good things that happened at Annual Conference and the wonderful worship as I write this blog.  And yes, getting my energy back…slow but surely.  How about you?  I said I would blog every other month and began thinking this was going to be late.  But hey, I still have the rest of June.  I am right on time. 

I had intended to blog about another “God Nudge” that happened in my life for this installment but I became distracted by a violet.  It will happen another time.

You see, I get so many “God Nudges” from nature.  They are there.  All around us.  Everyday.  But we go right on by without a second look.  I believe in caring for body, mind, spirit, and relationships.  One way I do this is going for walks.  I usually walk twice a day to achieve 10,000 steps a day.  I am not always successful for one reason or another (like meetings or quilting).

A few weeks ago, on a walk around the neighborhood I noticed a little green leaf in the sidewalk.  I walked on by without giving it much thought.  But on subsequent walks the green leaf got bigger.  Strange it was still in the same spot and had not blown away.  Last week there was a bud.  This week it fully caught my attention…a beautiful violet growing in the middle of a crack in the sidewalk.  “God Nudge”.… such perseverance, such strength in this little violet.  How did it continue to grow?  It must have gotten stepped on?  How did that little seed fall into just the right spot in the middle of the sidewalk?  Did it get trampled on?  By me?  I hope not…if I did, I am sorry.  Yet it popped right back up in all its beauty.  I wonder.   If this little violet can grow in the middle of a sidewalk, get walked on.  I can too.  Well, maybe not in the middle of a sidewalk.  But I will continue to be aware of ways I can serve God with the gifts and talents I have been given by God.  I will carry on…no matter how old I am/feel.  Even on those days that I am tired, or feeling like I have been trampled on.  I will persevere like this little violet.  I will grow in my faith.   Oh, one more thing about this pretty little violet.  It was in the middle of two cracks in the shape of a cross.

Friends, look around you, be aware of nature, listen to the birds, feel the sunshine on your face.  Be Blessed.  See and hear the “God Nudges.” They are there all the time…even in the middle of a sidewalk.

Blessings, Wendy

Western Waters District